About the Bridging Program
The Bridge to Registration and Employment in Mental Health program (BREM), delivered by the Mennonite New Life Centre of Toronto, provides internationally trained mental health professionals with professional language and cultural communication skills, as well as Canadian work experience and currency, to prepare its students for employment and professional registration in Canada.
Students admitted to the BREM program have already completed entry-to-practice training outside of Canada and worked in the profession for at least two years. BREM does not offer re-training for those educated in another field.
By going through the BREM program, students develop their ability to practise in Ontario and deepen their understanding of the entry-to-practice competencies.
CRPO Registration Information for BREM Participants
The Registration Committee accepts successful completion of the Bridge to Registration and Employment in Mental Health (Registration Stream) program as satisfying Section 6(1)(1)(iv) of the Registration Regulation:
6(1) Subject to section 7 and subsection 13 (2), the following are non-exemptible registration requirements for a Registered Psychotherapist certificate of registration:
1) The applicant must…
(iv) have such other education and training, which must include one or more programs in psychotherapy, together with any further education or training, or combination of education and training, that when taken together evidences, in the opinion of the Registration Committee, successful completion of a program that is substantially equivalent to a program referred to in subparagraph i or ii.
This means that applicants to the CRPO can demonstrate that they have met the education requirement for registration through successful completion of the BREM (Registration Stream) program, along with prior international training assessed by BREM.
BREM participants applying for registration with the CRPO can ask BREM to send a transcript confirming that they have completed or substantially completed the BREM (Registration Stream) program. Completion of the BREM (Registration Stream) program means that applicants will not need to submit credential assessments or other information about their international training to CRPO. Please see Applying to CRPO for more information on the application process and registration requirements.
Interested in applying to the BREM program?
If you are an internationally-trained mental health professional interested in completing the BREM (Registration Stream) program, please visit the BREM website for information on eligibility and program requirements.
Please note that decisions on admission to the BREM (Registration Stream) program are made solely by BREM. CRPO is not involved in assessing program candidates and is not able to comment on the program’s requirements.