CRPO does not tolerate abusive behaviour towards our staff. This includes threats, intimidation, yelling and obscene, unprofessional, discriminatory or demeaning remarks. Behaviour of this nature will be noted in the registrant’s file and could be used to inform any remedial or disciplinary action taken in future. Repeated conduct of this kind may result in the CRPO communicating with the registrant only in writing or otherwise restricting future communications.
General inquiries, inquiries relating to registration status and processes including initial registration, renewal and information changes: info @ or 416-479-4330, Option 2.
Information relating to the Quality Assurance Program: 416-479-4330, Option 3.
Information regarding the complaints process, to file a complaint against a CRPO registrant or to report professional misconduct: complaints @ or 416-479-4330, Option 4.
Registrants looking to speak to a Practice Advisor about questions related to professional practice, ethics and practice standards: or
416-479-4330, Option 8.
Media inquiries and requests for speaking engagements, please contact Deborah Adams, Registrar, at
Questions and/or feedback about the accessibility of our services: