CRPO offers a practice advisory service that Registered Psychotherapists (RPs) can connect with to discuss matters relating to professional practice, ethics and standards. 

The structure of the practice advisory service is such that RPs can be matched with a practice advisor of a related professional background. Our practice advisors are RPs with extensive clinical experience.  

RPs or members of the public who have questions about what is expected in psychotherapy practice, or who are involved in ethical dilemmas, are invited to connect with the practice advisory service. Please email us at with your questions. 

If your inquiry is urgent, please make note of this in your email. The practice advisory service is unable to provide emergency practice advice, but we do review inquiries daily during business hours. 

While email is often the best way to clearly state your question(s), those who wish may phone and leave a voicemail at 416-479-4330, ext. 222. 

On average, you can expect a response within three to five business days. This response time may vary depending on the nature of your inquiry. For example, questions that relate to client safety receive the highest priority. 

Concerned about a particular registrant’s practice? 

The practice advisory service is designed to provide information and resources to registrants about professional practice. If you have a complaint or concern about a particular registrant’s practice, please contact 

Objectives of the Practice Advisory Service 

The practice advisory service is meant to be an educational resource that is intended to support but not replace professional judgment. Information provided by the College or the College’s practice advisors is not intended to replace the advice of a lawyer, expert in professional practice or other appropriately qualified professional. If you have specific concerns about your professional obligations, please consult with a qualified professional. 

Please be aware that CRPO and Practice Advisors cannot 

  • provide opinions, operational advice, or clinical information;  
  • interpret legislation or provide legal advice;  
  • tell RPs what to do; 
  • intervene in a situation; or  
  • evaluate or approve a proposed business concept. 

CRPO registrants are self-regulated professionals, responsible for their own decisions and actions.  Practice Advisors may assist in identifying and evaluating the options and risks involved in taking various courses of action with the intention to support an individual’s reflection and decision-making process.  

When applicable, Practice Advisors may refer you to external resources for guidance on issues that are not within the College’s mandate. 

Limitations to Confidentiality
The College retains records of your communications with the practice advisory service, mainly to ensure the quality of the service and to inform the development of resources for registrants. The communications will remain confidential and will only be shared if the information in the communications is deemed relevant to a proceeding before a College committee or there is reason to believe that a registrant has engaged in professional misconduct that would result in harm to a person or group of persons. 

Practice Matters 

The practice advisory service publishes Practice Matters, an occasional publication on particular topics of interest to RPs.