Beginning January 1, 2024, this version of the Standard is out-of-date. For the current version, visit the 2024 Standards document. This page will be updated to the current version in the coming months.


One of the reasons members maintain effective record-keeping systems is for the purpose of issuing timely reports when requested to do so by a client or client’s authorized representative. In addition to a designated family member or friend, an authorized representative may be a lawyer or an insurance company. In many cases, the information or document requested is required for legal proceedings or employment and insurance matters. Delays (or refusal) to satisfy the request could seriously disadvantage a client. Effective record-keeping facilitates the timely generation of reports and also serves to track the turn-around time to dispatch the report.

Reasonable causes for a delay in providing a report might include the unavailability of a critical piece of information or illness of the member rendering him/her unable to practise. Inability of the client to pay for the report is not, however, a valid reason for declining to provide or release the requested document. A client’s dispute with a member is not a valid reason to withhold a report.

The Standard: Failing to Provide Reports

Where a request from a client or the client’s authorized representative has been received, members must provide a report or certificate relating to the treatment performed.

Demonstrating the Standard

A member demonstrates compliance with the standard by, for example:
  • responding appropriately to a request for a report or certificate from a client or the client’s authorized representative. An appropriate response is one that is delivered in writing and responds fully and completely to the request, in so far as the member is able to do so, within his/her scope of practice as an RP;
  • delivering the response within 30 days of receiving the request;
  • alerting the party initiating the request when a delay is unavoidable;
  • sharing the reason for the delay if the delay is unavoidable;
  • providing a firm date by which the request will be met if there is a delay

See also:

Note: College publications containing practice standards, guidelines or directives should be considered by all members in the care of their clients and in the practice of the profession. College publications are developed in consultation with the profession and describe current professional expectations. It is important to note that these College publications may be used by the College or other bodies in determining whether appropriate standards of practice and professional responsibilities have been maintained.